Auction for recovery of Rs 36 Lac from Developer in Karjat. The Karjat Tehsildar confiscated the property of the developer and announced the auction on August 22

After Panvel, Pune, for the recovery of the warrants issued by MahaRERA, the auction of developer’s property has also been announced in Karjat area.

In May 2022, MahaRERA had ordered the developer M/S Motang Infrastructure PVt ltd to pay Rs 35.54 lakh to a homebuyer as compensation. This was in connection to Karjat Tehsil office, Kasheli in the area (Pokhrkarkarwadi).

As the concerned developer did not pay the money to the complainant within the time limit, MahaRERA had sent a warrant in this regard to Raigad Collectorate for recovery. The Karjat Tehsildar has taken appropriate action in this regard and an auction has been announced after confiscating the two flats. This auction has been organized in the office of Kasheli Gram Panchayat on August 22 at 11 am subject to certain conditions.

If the developer wants to stop this auction, the compensation amount has to be paid in advance.

Those willing to pariticpate in the auction can visit the site between 11 am to 3 pm till August 15 (excluding government Holidays).

MahaRERA has issued 104 warrants in response to various complaints in 42 projects in Raigad district. The total amount of these warrants is Rs 20.90 crores. Out of these 52 warrants, Rs 6.72 crores have been recovered so far.

Complaints of house buyers regarding non-handover of possession on time by concerned developers (builders), partial abandonment of projects, non-maintenance of prescribed quality etc. come to MahaRERA. The respective developers are ordered to pay interest/damage compensation/refund etc. within the prescribed time frame after hearing these various forms of complaints of the home buyers properly.

Collector’s office plays an important role in recovering the amount if the developer fail to pay the amount within the given period. Therefore such warrants are sent from MahaRERA to the concerned Collectors.

Also Read: MahaRERA fine Builders for printing ads without MahaRERA number

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