By Varun Singh

Do you stay in the jurisdiction of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation (KDMC)? Then this news is of utmost importance to you.

Please go this link and check whether you have invested in any of these properties. If not then you can heave a sigh of relief and if were planning to then read this entire article before you take the final decision.

The reason being, Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) recently came out with a list of 52 projects where they have Suspended , kept in Abeyance or Deregistered the projects.

According to several reports, MahaRERA took this decision after KDMC filed a complained against several developer for allegedly forging documents.

A report states that KDMC had claimed that some of the developers had allegedly forged documents to show that they had permissions, whereas no such permission was issued.

It is mandatory that every project that is registered with MahaRERA should have all the permissions required to carry out constructions from the planning authority. In this case the planning authority is KDMC for all the 52 projects which are now deregistered.

As per the RERA Act, 2016, all real estate projects are to be registered with the RERA in respective states. In Maharashtra, on registration of a project with MahaRERA, the projects are provided with a certificate and a number.

Every developer who wishes to sell a project in Maharashtra has to have this number, even to advertise, they need this number, any project that hasn’t been completed and not received an OC, they need to register with MahaRERA.

The watchdog’s job is to save the homebuyers from frauds and get them their home or investments back in case the project is delayed.

Before investing in any new project in Maharashtra, one should log in to the website of MahaRERA and check the details, before investing.

Also Read: Maha Govt floats Global Tender for Dharavi Redevelopment

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