MahaRERA had issued warrants of Rs 15.11 crore in 74 cases as compensation to be paid to home buyers in Raigad district. Out of this, the Panvel Tehsildar Office has announced an auction for the recovery of Rs 6.77 crore in 27 cases on Friday (January 20).

All these auctions are going to be held at the Tehsil Office of Panvel on Friday under the guidance of Raigad Collector and Resident Deputy Collector and with the efforts of Tehsildar Panvel and his team. This is the first major success in the drive launched to provide relief to home buyers through proper implementation of the warrants issued by MahaRERA.

As part of strengthening MahaRERA monitoring system, MahaRERA began reviewing warrants issued. A reminder was sent to 13 Collectorate offices of the state to cooperate in recovery of warrants issued from time to time. It included 74 cases of 15 crore 11 lakhs in Raigad district. This auction has been organized in Panvel tehsil office in 27 cases.

Complaints of home buyers regarding non-handover of possession on time by concerned developers (builders), partial abandonment of projects, non-maintenance of prescribed quality, etc. come to Maharera. The respective developers are ordered to pay interest/damage compensation/refund etc. within the prescribed time frame after hearing these various forms of complaints of the home buyers properly.

The Collector’s office plays an important role in recovering the amount if the developer fails to pay the amount within the given period. Because for this, under Section 40(1) of the Immovable Property (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, the Collector Office has the authority to recover the said recovery as arrears of land revenue as per the provisions of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Act. Therefore such warrants are sent from MahaRERA to the concerned Collectors.

Also Read: MahaRERA to hear Real Estate Web Portals Matter afresh

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