Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, along with his mother Anju Bhavnani sold his Goregaon House for ₹15.25 crore.

The apartments that Ranveer Singh sold are located on the 43rd floor of the building named Oberoi Exquisite located in Goregaon East.

There were two flats that Ranveer owned along with his mother and he sold both of them on November 6,

Both the flats measures a total of 2,648 sq ft.

The total stamp duty that was paid by the buyers is ₹91.5 lakh.

With each apartment the new buyer has got access to three car parks each, which means a total of 6 car parks.

In July 2022, Ranveer Singh and his dad’s firm Oh Five Oh Media Works LLP had inked a real estate deal in Bandra for Rs 119 crore. The prized possession that the actor and his father’s firm now own is a Quadraplex along with 19 car parks.

The building in which the Quadraplex is located is named Sagar Resham Co-operative Housing Society, located on BJ Road, Bandstand, Bandra. The Quadraplex consists of apartments 1601 on 16th floor and 1701 on 17th to 19th floor.

Also Read: Deepika, her mom and dad rent their Bandra flat for Rs

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