Vibha D Sanghvi, associated with Sun Pharma, has purchased two properties worth Rs 130 crore in just one month. The first purchase, valued at Rs 65 crore, was made on November 27, 2024, and a month later, on December 26, she acquired another apartment in the same building for Rs 65 crore.

Both properties are located in Worli, Mumbai. The first deal was registered on November 27, with documentation completed on November 26. The property details are as follows: “Flat No. 21, 21st Floor, Naman Xana, Dr. Abdul Gaffar Khan Road, Worli, Mumbai.” The total area of the property is 540 sq. meters RERA carpet area, with an additional 60 sq. meters of balcony area, totaling 600 sq. meters of RERA carpet area. The property also includes three parking spaces on the 11th podium level and one parking space on the first podium level.

The second property was registered on December 26 with the following details: “Flat No. 29, 29th Floor, Naman Xana, Dr. Abdul Gaffar Khan Road, Worli, Mumbai.” The total area of this apartment is also 540 sq. meters RERA carpet area, with an additional 60 sq. meters of balcony area, totaling 600 sq. meters of RERA carpet area. The property includes four parking spaces, two on the 11th podium level and two in the second basement.

Each apartment has a registered area of 660 sq. meters as per the registration documents scanned by SquareFeatIndia.

As a female buyer, Vibha Sanghvi availed a 1 percent stamp duty concession for both property deals. The total stamp duty paid for the two registrations amounted to Rs 6.50 crore.

Also Read: Barnsley FC Chairman Neerav Parekh and Mother Kalpana Parekh Buy Luxury Flats in Mumbai for ₹170 Crore

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