Actor and filmmaker Prithviraj Sukumaran’s production house, Prithviraj Productions Private Limited, has purchased a luxury duplex apartment in Pali Hill, Bandra (West), Mumbai for Rs. 30.6 crore. According to documents provided to SquareFeatIndia, by Square Yards reveal that the deal was registered on September 12, with the transaction including a stamp duty of ₹1.84 crore and a registration fee of ₹30,000.

The property, located in Narain Terraces, offers a built-up area of 276 sq. m. (approximately 2,971 sq. ft.) and includes four car parking spaces covering 40 sq. m. (about 431 sq. ft.). Pali Hill is known for its high-end residences and tranquil environment, making it a sought-after location for luxury real estate.

Prithviraj Sukumaran, who has previously invested in a Rs. 17 crore apartment in the same locality, joins a growing list of celebrities, including Ranveer Singh, Tripti Dimri, KL Rahul, and Athiya Shetty, who have recently acquired properties in Bandra West.

Sukumaran is renowned for his contributions to Indian cinema, with acclaimed roles in films such as Ennu Ninte Moideen, Lucifer, Ayyappanum Koshiyum, and Mumbai Police. His work has earned him several Kerala State Film Awards and Filmfare Awards.

Also Read: Urban Vault Leases 100,000 Square Feet of Office Space in Brigade Summit, Whitefield

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