The Guardians Real Estate Advisory has set a remarkable benchmark in the Indian real estate sector, recording sales exceeding Rs 350 crore during the recent Dussehra weekend. This achievement follows the company’s earlier record of Rs 515 crore in sales during Akshaya Tritiya, highlighting sustained demand and positive buyer sentiment during the festive season.

Dussehra, symbolizing victory and renewal, is traditionally considered an auspicious time for significant investments, particularly in real estate. The festival encourages families and individuals to embrace new beginnings, making property purchases a cultural aspiration during this period.

Jayesh Rathod, Director and Co-founder of The Guardians Real Estate Advisory, expressed pride in the milestone. “Festivals in India have always been a favorable time for buying a home, and this Dussehra has been no different. The strong response we have seen reflects our commitment to delivering quality, trust, and excellence to our developers and customers. We are grateful for the trust our clients place in us and look forward to sustaining this momentum.”

The company’s success during Dussehra and Akshaya Tritiya lays a robust foundation for the remainder of the festive season. The Guardians Real Estate Advisory aims to provide exceptional real estate solutions, continuously creating meaningful value for its customers.

Saurabh Phull, Chief Operating Officer of The Guardians Real Estate Advisory, emphasized the team’s dedication. “The sales figures from this Dussehra weekend showcase the hard work of our entire team. We are proud to have exceeded expectations and contributed to the thriving real estate market this festive season. Our focus remains on delivering unmatched service to our clients, ensuring they continue to trust us.”

Earlier this year, The Guardians Real Estate Advisory also achieved impressive sales of Rs 262 crore during Gudi Padwa. As the company expands, it remains committed to providing innovative solutions and creating valuable experiences for its clients.

Also Read: Mumbai’s Property Market Registers Growth During Navratri 2024, Signals Festive Optimism

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