The Guardians, a leading real estate advisory firm in India, has achieved a significant milestone by generating its highest-ever sales revenue of over Rs 356 crore on the auspicious occasion of the New Year. Celebrated under various names across the country, such as Gudi Padwa, Ugadi, Sajibu Cheiraoba, Navreh, and Cheti Chand, the New Year signifies new beginnings and is considered an auspicious time for launching new ventures and investing in property.

The Guardians received an overwhelming response from buyers, reflecting the market’s enthusiasm and trust in the company’s real estate solutions. This milestone is a testament to the organisation’s commitment to providing quality real estate solutions to its clients, leading to continued growth and success. Compared to the Rs 300 crore generated in 2016-17 for the full financial year, the company generated over Rs 356 crore in just ten hours on 22nd March 2023, demonstrating its ongoing growth and success.

Commenting on this milestone, Ram Naik, Director, The Guardians Real Estate Advisory, expressed his gratitude towards the company’s employees, developer-clients, channel partners, and customers who have contributed to this incredible milestone. He said, “We are thrilled to have achieved this record-breaking sales revenue on a single day. This achievement is a testament to our team’s hard work, dedication, and commitment to delivering our clients the best real estate solutions. We remain dedicated to providing ethical and process-oriented solutions.”

The Guardians is proud to offer real estate solutions to some of the biggest names in the industry, with an enviable track record of retaining nearly every client it has worked with. The firm’s achievement on this pious occasion is a reflection of the trust it has built with its clients and channel partners and the dedication of its team to provide the best real estate solutions.

Also Read: The Guardians Real Estate Advisory reports a combined sales turnover of Rs 6k crore

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