Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor has recently leased out his luxurious apartment in Mumbai’s prestigious Three Sixty West, Worli. The property, which spans a massive 5,395 sq. ft. (about 501.21 sq. m) of carpet area and 573.78 sq. m (6,175.42 sq. ft) of built-up area, is located in one of the city’s most sought-after residential developments. According to Square Yards, the apartment, which was originally purchased in May 2024 for Rs. 58.6 crore, was acquired jointly by Shahid and his wife Mira Kapoor. The apartment comes with three dedicated parking spaces.

Three Sixty West, developed by Oberoi Realty, is a luxury residential complex spread across 1.58 acres, offering 4 and 5 BHK ready-to-move-in apartments. Shahid’s new lease agreement, which was registered on November 7, 2024, is for a term of 60 months (five years). The agreement involves an initial security deposit of Rs. 1.23 crore and follows a tiered rental structure, starting at Rs. 20.5 lakh per month. The rent will gradually increase to Rs. 23.98 lakh by the end of the term. Notably, the agreement also includes a rent-free period for the first 10 months.

The property has been leased to Dipan Bhuptani of D’Decor Home Fabrics, a well-known name in the textile industry. This lease marks another example of Bollywood celebrities renting out their luxury properties, with other stars such as Kartik Aaryan, Ranveer Singh, and producer Sajid Nadiadwala also recently following suit.

Beyond his real estate ventures, Shahid Kapoor continues to shine as one of Bollywood’s most versatile actors. His recent performance in Farzi, his digital debut, earned widespread critical acclaim, while his portrayal in Jersey garnered praise and major award nominations. Known for his intense roles in films like Kabir Singh and Haider, Kapoor’s ability to effortlessly navigate across genres has solidified his place as a powerhouse performer in Indian cinema.

Also Read: Shahid Balwa In Uddhav Govt’s Crucial Committee.

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