Realty Agreement not the only source to know date of possession: Tribunal Agreement is not the only source to know date of possession held… SquareFeatIndiaAugust 5, 2020No comments3 minute read
Realty Buyer asks interest from builder’s profit, RERA says A home buyer cancelled his booking, post which the builder sold the… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 28, 2020No comments2 minute read
Realty Action against residents for occupying flats without OC Action has been ordered against residents, occupying flats in a building, which… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 23, 2020No comments2 minute read
Realty UP RERA disposed 18k complaints, Maha 7.8k in 3 yrs RERA has disposed of a total of 48,556 complaints in three years.… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 15, 2020No comments3 minute read
Realty No provision in RERA to forfeit earnest money There exists no provision in RERA and its rules to forfeit earnest… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 13, 2020No comments2 minute read