Realty MMR sees 70,490 units completions in 2021, against 54,720 units in 2020 In MMR, approx. 70,490 units got completed in 2021, against 54,720 units… SquareFeatIndiaFebruary 28, 20222 minute read
Realty Patra Chawl tenants may finally have a home Patra Chawl tenants who have been awaiting for a home since a… SquareFeatIndiaFebruary 21, 20223 minute read
Realty Of the 17k complaints in how many has MahaRERA passed an Order! MahaRERA till date has received a bit over 17,000 complaints. These cases… SquareFeatIndiaFebruary 21, 20222 minute read
Realty Many Homebuyers Expect Housing Prices Hike in 2022 A survey recently conducted has shown that 56% participants expect housing price… SquareFeatIndiaFebruary 18, 20223 minute read
Uncategorized Covid-19 Impacts High-Rises, supply Dips in 2021 Covid-19 Impacts Vertical Growth – High-Rises Supply Share Dips to 52% in… SquareFeatIndiaFebruary 8, 20223 minute read