Realty Mumbai’s Rs 10 Crore and above luxury residential units clock highest-ever half-yearly sales of Rs 12,300 crore Sales of luxury homes costing Rs 10 crore and above in Mumbai… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 15, 20244 minute read
Realty NCR & MMR Housing Prices Surge 49% in 5 Years, Unsold Inventory Plunges To say that India’s two leading realty hotspots NCR and MMR (Mumbai… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 12, 20243 minute read
Realty Prices in premium markets of the top 3 cities continue growth streak The premium residential market in major cities is seeing notable price appreciation,… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 3, 20245 minute read
Realty The growing challenges of affordable housing in India By Manju Yagnik In recent years, the issue of affordable housing has… SquareFeatIndiaMay 8, 20244 minute read
Realty MMR Real Estate Witnesses 38% Surge in Property Registration Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) reaffirms its position as India’s premier residential market,… SquareFeatIndiaApril 28, 20243 minute read