Realty 132 Realty Projects Have Seen Their Builders Change A total od 132 projects have seen their builders change. Some were… adminNovember 15, 2021No comments2 minute read
Realty South Cities’ Office Vacancies Rise in H1 FY22 Despite High Net Absorption Office vacancies in South Cities like, Bengaluru, Hyderabad & Chennai rose the… adminNovember 12, 2021No comments4 minute read
Realty South-Central Mumbai Sheds 10% Unsold Inventory in One Year South-Central Mumbai Sheds 10% Unsold Inventory in One Year says a report… adminNovember 8, 2021No comments3 minute read
Realty Mumbai Real Estate Gives State Govt ₹100 crore as Diwali Gift State government has received a gift of ₹100 crore from Mumbai’s real… adminNovember 4, 2021No comments2 minute read
Realty In 4 days of launch this builder Sold Homes Worth ₹787 Crore Well everyone wants to talk about slump in the realty market. But… adminNovember 2, 2021No comments2 minute read