Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone, along with her husband Ranveer Singh, has recently leased an apartment in Mumbai’s upscale Beau Monde Towers Co-operative Housing Society Ltd for a monthly rent of Rs 7 lakh. The apartment is located in Prabhadevi, a sought-after locality offering seamless connectivity to both the Western and Central suburbs, as well as major roadways like the Western Express Highway and the Worli-Bandra Sea Link. The area is well-known for housing the iconic Siddhivinayak Temple and is close to popular landmarks such as Dadar Beach and High Street Phoenix.

According to documents, accessed by Square Yards, the apartment rented by the couple spans a built-up area of 3,245 sq. ft. (~301.47 sq. m) with a carpet area of 2,319.50 sq. ft. (~215.49 sq. m), and comes with three dedicated car parking spaces. The lease agreement, which was registered in November 13, 2024, spans a tenure of 36 months. It includes an initial security deposit of Rs. 21 lakh and a tiered rental structure, with the monthly rent set at Rs. 7 lakh for the first 18 months, rising to Rs. 7.35 lakh for the remaining 18 months.

Deepika Padukone already owns a property in Beau Monde Towers, a luxury residential project by the Ashwin Sheth Group, which offers 2, 3, 4, and 5 BHK apartments. This new rental property adds to her growing real estate portfolio, which also includes a premium apartment in Bandra and a spacious bungalow in Alibaug.

A global icon, Deepika Padukone continues to make waves both in India and internationally. She earned widespread acclaim for her role in Pathaan, which became a box office hit, and represented India as a presenter at the Oscars 2023. In recognition of her contributions to cinema and mental health advocacy, Deepika was also honored with the TIME100 Impact Award, further solidifying her status as one of Bollywood’s most influential stars.

Also Read: Ranveer Singh Sells His Property for ₹15.25 Cr

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