Mumbai’s real estate market reported 10,607 property registrations in November, according to data from the Maharashtra Inspector General of Registrations and Stamps (IGR), as of 6.30 pm on November 30. The city also raked in Rs 835 crore in revenue from property registrations during the period.

In November 2022, the number of registrations stood at 8,965. The Revenue collection, stood at Rs 684 crore in November 2022, according to the Maharashtra government data.

In October 2023, 10,244 properties were registered in Mumbai, a 21 percent year-on-year spike over October 2022. Revenue collections rose 11 percent in October this year to Rs 809 crore from Rs 723 crore in October 2022.

This figure is less than September where the city of Mumbai saw a total sales being registered at 10,693

In August, the home sales stood at 10,902. The October figures are less than August and September, but is higher than April, May, June, and July home sales.

In July the home sales stood at 10,221, while the figure was 10,319 in June.

In May, Mumbai had witnessed a mere 9,823 home sales, whereas the number of home sales in the maximum city stood at 10,513 in April.

Also Read: Mumbai property registrations in October 2023 surge 26% YoY

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