Two cross FIRs have been registered at the Nirmal Nagar Police Station in Bandra following a confrontation at the MHADA office involving MHADA Vice President and CEO, IAS Sanjeev Jaiswal, and retired police officer Vijay Chalke.
The first FIR was filed by a MHADA’s female employee, alleging that Chalke used abusive language towards MHADA officials, including a female staff member. The complaint further accuses Chalke of disrupting the smooth functioning of a government office.
In response, Chalke filed an FIR against Jaiswal, accusing him and 10-12 others of physically assaulting him, breaking his gold chain, and threatening him. Chalke alleged that Jaiswal threatened to have him “encountered” through the Police Commissioner.
According to Chalke’s complaint, he had visited the MHADA office to address an issue regarding non-payment of rent, as his building is under redevelopment. However, the MHADA officials’ FIR claims Chalke was uncooperative when asked for his contact details to schedule an appointment to resolve his concerns.
Following the incident, Chalke was taken to a hospital for a medical examination, after which he registered his FIR.
On Monday, MHADA officials staged a protest, demanding enhanced security for staff following the altercation.
The Mumbai Police shall carry out a detailed investigation into both the FIRs. The incident, involving allegations by a retired police officer against an IAS officer and a counter-complaint by MHADA staff, has raised concerns about workplace security and accountability.
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