The BMC has submitted a proposal to the state government, requesting to be granted Special Planning Authority (SPA) status for all Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) projects on its land. Currently, the state’s Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) issues permissions for SRA projects across Maharashtra.

Mumbai is home to numerous slums, many of which are located on BMC-owned land. “We want to be the Special Planning Authority for SRA projects on BMC land,” confirmed BMC Commissioner Bhushan Gagrani to SquareFeatIndia.

The BMC hopes that, as the SPA for its land, it can expedite the development process, ensuring faster project implementation. However, some experts have raised concerns that this move could undermine the role of the SRA in the city’s redevelopment efforts.

The proposal has been sent to the state government and will be discussed once the new government takes office.

Also Read: Need for Housing Stock Through PPP: BMC Commissioner

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