Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty and his son, Ahan Shetty, have made headlines with their recent purchase of a property in Khar West, Bandra, for Rs. 8.01 crores. The acquisition, finalized through a bank auction, was recorded in October 2024, as per documents reviewed by Square Yards. The property, located in a building named Garden Home, spans approximately 1,200.39 square feet and incurred a stamp duty of Rs. 40.08 lakh, along with a registration fee of Rs. 30,000.

This investment aligns with a trend among other celebrities, including Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, and KL Rahul, who have also recently invested in the upscale Bandra area, known for its prime location and premium amenities.

Bandra’s desirability is bolstered by its proximity to commercial hubs like the Bandra-Kurla Complex and Worli, along with excellent connectivity to the international airport.

Sunil Shetty, a veteran in Indian cinema with a career spanning over three decades, is celebrated for his performances in films such as “Hera Pheri,” “Dhadkan,” and “Main Hoon Na.” His son Ahan made his acting debut in 2021 with “Tadap,” earning acclaim as he continues to build on the Shetty family legacy in the film industry.

Also Read: KL Rahul, Athiya Shetty buys Rs 20 Cr home in Bandra

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