Realty Agents to give their Court Case details to MahaRERA Real Estate Agents have been given a new format by MahaRERA to… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 12, 2021No comments3 minute read
Realty Delay in Possession, Builder to refund entire amount Delay in handing over possession of an apartment by the developer to… SquareFeatIndiaJuly 9, 2021No comments3 minute read
Realty Builders to Disclose ‘Not For Sale’ Flats in Projects Builders have been asked by MahaRERA to disclose even those flats in… SquareFeatIndiaJune 29, 2021No comments2 minute read
Realty MahaRERA to Prioritize Complaints of People with Life-threatening Illness MahaRERA came out with a fresh circular for deciding the seniority of… SquareFeatIndiaJune 23, 2021No comments2 minute read
Realty Disputes Between Builders & Homebuyers To Reduce Disputes between homebuyers and builders will be reduced by the new initiative… SquareFeatIndiaJune 16, 2021No comments3 minute read