Realty Now all these details of builders will be available in Public domain Details of a developer’s real estate project including withdrawal of money, certificate… SquareFeatIndiaJanuary 20, 20222 minute read
Realty 456 Realty Projects in 2021 were stopped from selling flats Since 2017, a total of 3,065 realty projects across the state of… SquareFeatIndiaJanuary 17, 20222 minute read
Realty Co-working Trends that will shape 2022’s realty market Co-working spaces survived the pandemic and are still doing well what are the Coworking trends that will be followed in the coming year here’s the trend. SquareFeatIndiaJanuary 14, 20224 minute read
Realty Year 2022- Return of Realty Recovery Real estate trends in the coming year in the words of a developer herself. SquareFeatIndiaJanuary 13, 20225 minute read
Realty Housing Society tired of no work by builder, opts for self redevelopment This housing society was tired of no work being carried out by… SquareFeatIndiaJanuary 13, 20223 minute read